Sunday, May 11, 2008


TakaraTomy: Omnibot Fan Book
The Omnibot is a toy robot originally manufactured by Tomy in the mid 1980s. The name then came to apply to the successful line of robots manufactured by the company. The initial Omnibot was announced with expectations of restoring popular interest in robots, at a time when it was becoming obvious that robots with advanced AI such as R2-D2 were still a long way away. A more advanced version of the Omnibot was called the Omnibot 2000 and did not have a plastic bubble over its head. With the success of the Omnibots, the Omnibot range quickly expanded. The latest Omnibot, to be called "Omnibot 17μ: i-SOBOT".
Tomy: Home Robopet Potch Gallery at Robobox

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